User overview

The user overview dashboard providing a comprehensive snapshot of user activity and registration trends. This dashboard is designed to offer administrators a quick and clear understanding of user engagement, account statuses, and verification levels within the application. With it's intuitive layout, the dashboard aggregates and displays key metrics such as online users, user registrations over time, and verification statuses. It also provides a breakdown of active versus inactive users, along with lists of the latest and most recently active users, enabling effective user management and analysis.

User overview dashboard

Different sections...

Online users

This section displays the current number of users who are actively online and using the application. It provides real-time data, helping administrators monitor active engagement.

Today active users

This section shows the total number of users who have been active today. It helps in tracking daily user engagement and understanding how many users interact with the application on a daily basis.

User breakdown

This section offers a breakdown of all users in terms of their active status. It shows the total number of users and categorizes them into active and inactive users, along with their respective percentages, allowing for a quick overview of user retention.

Email verification

This section provides an overview of the email verification status of all users. It shows how many users have verified their email addresses versus those who have not, assisting in managing account security and legitimacy.

Monthly user registrations

This graphical section tracks and displays the number of user registrations on a monthly basis. It allows administrators to visualize registration trends over time, identifying periods of growth or decline in user sign-ups.

Latest user registrations

This section lists the most recent users who have registered on the platform, along with the time since their registration. It helps administrators stay updated on new user acquisition.

Recently active users

This section lists the users who have most recently been active on the platform, along with the time of their last activity. It is useful for monitoring current user engagement and identifying the most engaged users.

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