Follow step by step instructions to upgrade Appskull from one version to another version. before performing an update you should take your Appskull based site/app offline by replacing the index.php file in the root of Appskull with a static one and make sure to take a full backup of your site/app before perform the upgrade.
There is no any database changes in this update.
Replace/override bellow files/directories in Appskull v8.0 from v9.0
IMPORTANT: When replacing/overriding files/directories can lose your custom modifications that you have done to the Appskull. To avoid it, you have to compare those modified files with it's corresponding files in the latest Appskull release before do the replace/override.
[app root]/sys
directory in v8.0 from
[app root]/sys
directory in Appskull v9.0.
file in v8.0 from corresponding file in v9.0.Delete
in Appskull v8.0 and copy paste same directory from Appskull v9.0 into the same location.
There is no any database changes in this update.
Replace/override bellow files/directories in Appskull v7.0 from v8.0
IMPORTANT: When replacing/overriding files/directories can lose your custom modifications that you have done to the Appskull. To avoid it, you have to compare those modified files with it's corresponding files in the latest Appskull release before do the replace/override.
NOTE: Don't upload these files into your production server. these files only for development work.
copy this file
app/assets/themes/nuda/common/adminend/img/navbar_logo.svgdelete this directory
app/assets/themes/nuda/common/common/libs/fontawesome-free-5.2.0-webcopy this directory
app/assets/themes/nuda/common/common/libs/fontawesome-free-5.14.0-webdelete this directory
app/assets/themes/nuda/common/common/libs/jquery-3.3.1.slimcopy this directory
app/assets/themes/nuda/common/common/libs/jquery-3.5.1copy this directory
app/assets/themes/nuda/common/common/libs/nudasoft/indeterminate_progress_bar_v1.0delete this directory
delete this directory
copy this directory
copy this file
app/assets/themes/nuda/common/userend/img/logo.svgdelete this directory
app/views/themes/nuda/modules/pagesExecute bellow SQL queries one by one against your Appskull v6.0 database. you can do this very easily by using a software like PHPMyAdmin or sequel pro.
ALTER TABLE `as__auth_password_reset_tokens` ADD INDEX( `userID`);
ALTER TABLE `as__auth_remember_me_tokens` ADD INDEX( `userID`);
ALTER TABLE `as__users_email_verification_tokens` ADD INDEX( `userID`);
ALTER TABLE `as__users_usermeta` CHANGE `data` `data` LONGBLOB NULL DEFAULT NULL;
Replace/override bellow files/directories in Appskull v6.0 from v7.0
IMPORTANT: When replacing/overriding files/directories can lose your custom modifications that you have done to the Appskull. To avoid it, you have to compare those modified files with it's corresponding files in the latest Appskull release before do the replace/override.
[app root]/sys
directory in v6.0 from
[app root]/sys
directory in Appskull v7.0.
file in v6.0 from corresponding file in v7.0.assets/themes/nuda/common/common/libs/tinymce_5.0.16
directory from
v7.0 and paste it into assets/themes/nuda/common/common/libs
directory in v6.0.
directory in Appskull v7.0
and paste it into app/third_party
directory in v6.0.There is no any database changes in this update.
Replace/override bellow files/directories in Appskull v5.0 from v6.0
IMPORTANT: When replacing/overriding files/directories can lose your custom modifications that you have done to the Appskull. To avoid it, you have to compare those modified files with it's corresponding files in the latest Appskull release before do the replace/override.
NOTE: Don't upload these files into your production server. these files only for development work.
directory from v6.0 and place it into
directory in v5.0.Execute bellow SQL queries one by one against your Appskull v4.0 database. you can do this very easily by using a software like PHPMyAdmin or sequel pro.
NOTE: There is no any database schema changes in this update. just only a database entry that needed to handle a specific user permission.
INSERT INTO `as__users_permissions` (`ID`, `permissionKey`, `moduleSlug`, `permissionName`, `permissionDescription`, `permissionType`, `state`, `datetimeCreated`, `datetimeUpdated`) VALUES (NULL, 'app_viewAdminHome', 'app', 'View admin home', 'View app admin home/index.', 'origin', 'active', '', '');
Replace/override bellow files/directories in Appskull v4.0 from v5.0
IMPORTANT: When replacing/overriding files/directories can lose your custom modifications that you have done to the Appskull. To avoid it, you have to compare those modified files with it's corresponding files in the latest Appskull release before do the replace/override.
file from v5.0 and paste it into
directory in v4.0.admin
directory from v5.0 and paste
it into app/controllers/modules/app/adminend
directory in v4.0.home.php
file from v5.0 and paste it into
directory in v4.0.Execute bellow SQL queries one by one against your Appskull v3.0 database. you can do this very easily by using a software like PHPMyAdmin or sequel pro.
ALTER TABLE `as__users_users` ADD `datetimeLastActivity` DATETIME NOT NULL AFTER `datetimeUpdated`;
INSERT INTO `as__users_permissions` (`ID`, `permissionKey`, `moduleSlug`, `permissionName`, `permissionDescription`, `permissionType`, `state`, `datetimeCreated`, `datetimeUpdated`) VALUES (NULL, 'users_viewUserOverview', 'users', 'View user overview', 'View user overview.', 'origin', 'active', '', '');
Replace/override bellow files/directories in Appskull v3.0 from v4.0
IMPORTANT: When replacing/overriding files/directories can lose your custom modifications that you have done to the Appskull. To avoid it, you have to compare those modified files with it's corresponding files in the latest Appskull release before do the replace/override.
This update is quite big update. you will have to follow many steps to do the upgrade. and we guarantee you that, upcoming updates will be smaller and easy upgrade.
Execute bellow SQL queries one by one against your Appskull v2.0 database. you can do this very easily by using a software like PHPMyAdmin or sequel pro.
ALTER TABLE `as__users_user_tag_relations` ADD INDEX( `tagID`, `userID`);
ALTER TABLE `as__users_user_role_relations` ADD INDEX( `roleID`, `userID`);
ALTER TABLE `as__users_user_group_relations` ADD INDEX( `groupID`, `userID`);
ALTER TABLE `as__users_users` ADD INDEX( `statusID`);
ALTER TABLE `as__users_users` ADD `emailVerification` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `email`;
CREATE TABLE `as__users_usermeta` (
`ID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`userID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
`metaKey` varchar(180) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL,
`metaValue` longtext COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL,
`data` longblob NOT NULL,
`datetimeCreated` datetime NOT NULL,
`datetimeUpdated` datetime NOT NULL,
KEY `userID` (`userID`),
KEY `metaKey` (`metaKey`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;
CREATE TABLE `as__users_email_verification_tokens` (
`ID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`userID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
`token` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'Two way hash',
`data` longblob,
`datetimeCreated` datetime NOT NULL,
`datetimeUpdated` datetime NOT NULL,
`datetimeExpiration` datetime NOT NULL,
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;
ALTER TABLE `as__auth_remember_me_tokens` CHANGE `token` `token` VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'One way hash';
ALTER TABLE `as__auth_password_reset_tokens` CHANGE `token` `token` VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'Two way hash';
ALTER TABLE `as__auth_password_reset_tokens` ADD `data` LONGBLOB NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `token`;
ALTER TABLE `as__auth_password_reset_tokens` ADD `datetimeUpdated` DATETIME NOT NULL AFTER `datetimeCreated`;
ALTER TABLE `as__auth_password_reset_tokens` ADD `datetimeExpiration` DATETIME NOT NULL AFTER `datetimeUpdated`;
Delete "assets" directory from Appskull v2.0 and replace it with Appskull v3.0's "assets" directory. after that add/override your custom files or edited files from Appskull v2.0 to Appskull 3.0.
Delete app
, auth
and users
directories in
directory in Appskull v2.0 and replace them with same
directories in Appskull v3.0 app\config\modules
directory. after that add or
override your custom or edited config files from Appskull v2.0 to v3.0.
Delete those directories in app
directory in Appskull v2.0 and replace with
corresponding directories from Appskull v3.0. then add/override changed or newly added files and
directories from Appskull v2.0 to Appskull v3.0.
There is no any database changes.
Delete all the files and directories in the app/controllers
directory of
Appskull v1.0 and copy paste all the files and directories in the
directory of Appskull v2.0 into Appskull v1.0
Delete all the files and directories in the app/models
directory of
Appskull v1.0 and copy paste all the files and directories in the
directory of Appskull v2.0 into Appskull v1.0
Delete all the files and directories in the app/views
directory of Appskull
v1.0 and copy paste all the files and directories in the app/views
directory of Appskull v2.0 into Appskull v1.0 app/views