
It's highly recommended to double-check that all Appskull files are uploaded to the web server and that you've followed all the installation instructions correctly. Additionally, it's highly recommended to read this entire troubleshooting chapter before attempting to fix errors.

Read errors

Identify errors using log files

The easiest way to diagnose errors in Appskull is simply to look into the logs directory located in the writable directory at the root of Appskull. If any log files exist, you can then open them and try to identify and diagnose errors.

logs directory

Logs directory

Generated log files

Generated log files

Generated logs

Generated logs

Identify errors by displaying them

For security reasons, Appskull won't display any errors by default. Instead, it will show a blank page. Displaying errors could potentially expose sensitive information about your server environment and the Appskull installation, which poses a significant security risk. While this behavior is beneficial for security, it can make error diagnosis challenging.

But you can easily change this default behavior by following the steps below:

  1. Open the .env file in the root directory.

    .env file

  2. Change the application environment from production to development.

    Environment config in the env file

  3. Save the .env file and upload it again to the server.
  4. Now you can reload the particular page of Appskull in your web browser and check if any PHP errors are thrown.

Files and file system related errors

Corrupted files

Sometimes, when this software is downloaded and uploaded onto a production server, certain files can become corrupted due to various reasons. Consequently, the software may not function properly. In these situations, you can try re-downloading the software and re-uploading it to see if that resolves the issues. While these issues are not very common, they can occur from time to time.

File system permissions

Errors can occur due to a lack of read and write permissions for Appskull folders. Therefore, ensure that you grant appropriate file system permissions for Appskull folders/directories to ensure proper functionality. All directories of Appskull should have read permissions, and all the directories inside the writable directory located in the root directory should have write permissions.

You can navigate to your Appskull root directory and execute the terminal command sudo chmod -R 755 * or sudo chmod -R 777 * to grant all file system permissions to Appskull directories.

PHP errors

Due to the old application servers...

Ensure that all your PHP, PostgreSQL, and other application servers meet the minimum requirements for this application. Using outdated or excessively new application servers can lead to errors.

Not having the required and recommended PHP extensions installed...

Please ensure that you install all the required and recommended PHP extensions. Otherwise, this can also cause errors.

Not having the required PHP Composer packages installed...

This application requires certain PHP Composer packages in order to function properly. Ensure that you install them with the correct versions to avoid potential errors.

You can find details of the minimum server requirements of this application in this Installation chapter.

HTTP errors

Error 500 internal server error due to lack of mod rewrite support in you apache web server

Error 500 due to apche modrewrite

By default, the public string $indexPage configuration in the App config file under the root/app/Config directory is set to 'index.php'. However, if you have changed it to '' to remove the 'index.php' part from the URLs and are encountering this Error 500 Internal Server Error, it could be an issue related to .htaccess.

In-order to troubleshoot this issue;

  1. Ensure that you have enabled the mod_rewrite module in your Apache web server (Be sure to restart the Apache server after making this change.).
  2. Re-upload the .htaccess file in the root/public directory. It may have become corrupted during the upload to the server.

Now, try accessing your Appskull installation. If you have followed all the steps correctly, the installation should work properly. However, if you still encounter this error and wish to proceed with the installation, set the public string $indexPage configuration to public string $indexPage = 'index.php'; and delete the .htaccess file. Then, try reloading the homepage.

HTTP ERROR 500 due to wrong database configuration values

Error 500 due to wrong db configuration values

In order to fix this error, you have to review database related configuration values in root/.env file and make them correct.

Database configs in the env file

Error 404 (Not found error)

Error 404 on apache

This error can occur in the Apache web server due to an incorrect public string $baseURL configuration in the root/app/Config/App.php file. Therefore, be sure to review that configuration value and correct it to resolve this error.

Get other troubleshooting tips from CodeIgniter4 official documentation.

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