CRUD options

This application's CRUDs offers more than just the basic CREATE, READ, UPDATE, and DELETE options; it also provides advanced data filtration and accessibility features.

The read (R) part of the CRUD

  1. The read (R) view

    Read view of the crud

    The read view consists of the following parts and options.

    1. Title with the meta data

      Read view title and meta info

    2. A menu item to create new CRUD items

      Read view add users link

    3. Search box/filter

      Read view search filter

      Read view matching search results get highlight

      Matching search results will be highlighted.

    4. A menu item to access preferences dropdown menu

      Read view preferences dropdown menu item

    5. Screen preferences options

      Read view screen preferences model

      Screen preferences can be utilized to toggle the visibility of data fields and adjust their order. Additionally, you can specify the number of items per page for pagination. These preferences only apply to the specific CRUD view, not globally.

    6. Behavior preferences options

      Read view behavior preferences model

      Behavior preferences can be employed to toggle the searchability of data fields, which can be very useful when applying search filters to specific data fields. Additionally, you can toggle the field sorting feature on and off. By default, it is set to multi-field sorting, meaning you can sort multiple fields at once. However, if you dislike this behavior, you can toggle it off. These preferences are only applied to the particular CRUD view, not globally.

    7. Main filter

      Read view main filters

      The main filter can be used to distinguish between active and inactive CRUD items. We don't permanently delete data; instead, we mark them as active or inactive. Therefore, the inactive state can be considered as equivalent to being deleted.

    8. Advanced filters menu item

      Read view advanced filters link

    9. Advanced filters options

      Read view advanced filters popup

      Advanced filters can be utilized to filter CRUD items based on their properties. Additionally, the advanced filters view offers additional accessibility features, such as selecting all options at once, searching options, opening/closing options simultaneously, etc.

    10. Applied filters and controls

      For advanced filters and search filter

      Read view advanced filter controls

      For simple filters

      Read view simple filter controls

    11. Sortable data fields

      Read view sortable fields

      Some data fields are sortable; they can be easily identified by their appearance as links and having a top/bottom arrow icon next to them. By clicking on them, you can sort the data in that particular field in ascending or descending order.

    12. Searchable data fields

      Read view searchable fields

      Some data fields are searchable; they can be easily identified by the muted search icon next to them.

    13. CRUD action buttons

      Read view crud action buttons

      CRUD action buttons will direct you to various places, such as adding new CRUD items, editing CRUD items, and etc.

    14. Simple filters

      Read view simple filters

      Simple filters can be used to filter out CRUD data based on a particular attribute. Only one simple filter can be applied at a time.

    15. Pagination

      Read view pagination

      Pagination appears when a certain number of CRUD items are available. It provides meta information about how many CRUD items are being displayed and how many pages are available for navigation. Additionally, it includes an input option to jump directly to the page you want, saving you time.

    16. Hierarchical listing

      Read view hierarchical listing

      If some CRUD listings have parent-child relationships, these CRUD listings can be utilized in a hierarchical listing format. This hierarchical listing only works under the All main filter type, and pagination will not be supported. It can be identified with an icon next to the All main filter link and dashes in front of the CRUD item name to represent the depth of the relationship. Under other main filters such as Active and Inactive, CRUD data will display as normal listings with pagination. Hierarchical listing is not recommended for listing a large number of CRUD items.

The create (C) part of the CRUD

You can access the form to create a new CRUD item by clicking on the Add menu item in the CRUD read view.

Read view add users link

An example view of creating a new CRUD item.

Create view add new items

There are two ways to create new CRUD items.

  1. Fill in all the required fields and click on the Save button.

    This will create a new CRUD item, and the form data you previously submitted won't be repopulated. Therefore, you will need to refill all the required form fields again to create another CRUD item.

  2. Fill in all the required fields and click on the Save & Repopulate button.

    This will create a new CRUD item, and the submitted form data will be repopulated. So, you only have to change what you need to change. This will save you time when adding lots of new CRUD items with some common data.

Every time you successfully create a new CRUD item, a green alert will appear at the top of the Add new item view. If the process is unsuccessful for any reason, a red alert will be displayed.

The update (U) part of the CRUD

You can access the form to edit a CRUD item by clicking on the edit action button in the CRUD read view.

Read view crud action buttons

An example view of editing a CRUD item.

Edit view edit items

Every time you successfully edit a CRUD item, a green alert will appear at the top of the Edit item view. If the process is unsuccessful for any reason, a red alert will be displayed.

The delete (D) part of the CRUD

There is currently no option for hard deletion of CRUD items. We believe that data is too valuable to be permanently deleted. Instead, we use Active and Inactive states to label CRUD items. If a CRUD item is labeled as Active, then it is considered valid and active. If an item is labeled as Inactive, then it can be considered deleted.

Perhaps in the future, we may introduce the option to permanently delete data. But for now, this is how things are going to be. So, when adding new items, make sure to avoid adding unnecessary stuff as much as possible.

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